The summer time has sprung off nicely this year. Jake and I have completed our landscaping (for now, anyway)and have just been doing maintenance (mowing) on the outside. I'm quite happy with my little yard! I should have some deck planters coming soon (today maybe?) in which I will plant herbs. The deck is just outside the kitchen, so that'll be real nice for cooking time. I ordered this planter, but in white to match the rail:

I want to start painting the inside this weekend. My first project will be the "nursery" upstairs. It's going to take a while because we have to prime the wood panel and then add two coats of paint. I think we're going to go with a sky blue on the walls and ceiling. That way when it comes time to paint a woodland mural on the walls we'll have a nice background! Then, once that room is done, we'll move our bedroom furniture into there and paint our room.
And now for something completely different:

The summer parties have kicked off too! We had our family installment of our housewarming parties May 17. That went really well. We did a potluck and a lot of Jake's family showed up. My parents and Jane and Arthur were there as well. It turned out to be a nice day weather-wise, so a lot of the party was outside. The kids enjoyed going to the park down the street.
Heather and Evan had their joint b-day party this past weekend. They did a tea party (drinking, not tossing)with finger foods. There were so many people there! We eventually moved the party outside for an impromptu game of Frisbee.
This coming weekend is Missy's graduation party. She also just got a job at Bridgewater! I'm excited. I'm sure I'll have more to report after that.
So, I'm just trying to keep my head up and focus on all these positives to try to offset the start of my summer mourning period.
Until then, I leave you with this:
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