So I hung out with Heather and Evan tonight. Poor Heather! She started the motions on Tuesday, but was sent home since she hasn't gone more than 3 centemeters. :-( I know it will come in time, but she is ready for baby to come out!
We went to the chiropractor and he adjusted her and put baby in a better spot; more inline with the pelvic area. Evan and I did some energy work with her, so we're hoping all of that will help inspire baby bean to come out and play!
I am dying to meet this kid! I know we all are, Heather and Evan most of all!
COME OUT BABY BEAN! I know it's nice and warm and cozy in there, but the world is waiting for you! :-)
Abbey Road

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Engagment Party
So we had our engagement party today. It went really well. I was nervous about it being somewhat awkward with a lot of people I didn't know being there. And there were a couple, but overall it was good to see my parent's friends from the temple that I haven't seen in a long time.
Valerie and Jeff were there. It was cool to see them together as a couple, I don't think I've seen that yet! She brought a BEAUTIFUL cake! It was two tiers; one spice cake, one chocolate. And it was gorgeous! It was white frosting and she had done a Celtic knot design with hearts intertwined in it with a claddagh on the front. I totally started to cry when I saw it! I'm still misty eyed! It totally was the hit of the party! :-) What can I say, I have some talented ass friends!
We got lots of really nice gifts. I GOT MY KITCHEN AID MIXER! Can I just tell you how freaking excited I am about that? It's beautiful! It's the cobalt blue color I wanted. Jake's parents got it for us. That is something I have always wanted. Even years ago I used to dream of getting married and registering for the mixer! I am so going to use it! When we get a house it's taking its proper place on the counter!
I was a good day too. The rain held off until we left. It was pissing down on the way home. The drops were huge! They felt like they were whipping the car!
But anyway, it was a good day and it's a good feeling to know that people care about you, even if you haven't seen them in years!
Valerie and Jeff were there. It was cool to see them together as a couple, I don't think I've seen that yet! She brought a BEAUTIFUL cake! It was two tiers; one spice cake, one chocolate. And it was gorgeous! It was white frosting and she had done a Celtic knot design with hearts intertwined in it with a claddagh on the front. I totally started to cry when I saw it! I'm still misty eyed! It totally was the hit of the party! :-) What can I say, I have some talented ass friends!
We got lots of really nice gifts. I GOT MY KITCHEN AID MIXER! Can I just tell you how freaking excited I am about that? It's beautiful! It's the cobalt blue color I wanted. Jake's parents got it for us. That is something I have always wanted. Even years ago I used to dream of getting married and registering for the mixer! I am so going to use it! When we get a house it's taking its proper place on the counter!
I was a good day too. The rain held off until we left. It was pissing down on the way home. The drops were huge! They felt like they were whipping the car!
But anyway, it was a good day and it's a good feeling to know that people care about you, even if you haven't seen them in years!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Wedding Stuff
I am so upset right now. It's three months before the wedding and now the Granite Rose is telling me that we can't do things that were "no problem" when we originally sat down.
The most upsetting is that now Valerie can't make our cake. We chose a package with the cake included, but were told that if we weren't doing the cake that we could subtitute it with something esle. We're paying the money regardless. Now we're being told that if we bring in an outside cake we still have to pay the money, but get nothing in return! Apparently, it's in the contract. So now I had to crush Valerie and tell her that she can't make my wedding cake. I know it really upset her. I'm upset too! I mean, a cake from her would be so beautiful and so meaningful. Who else would put so much heart into making something like that for us? I know there will be other occasions and other cakes, but this really sucks. :-(
There were other little things as well, but I'm not going to go into details because it's arduous and pointless. Needless to say, I'm crushed and entirely disenheartened by the venue. I was so happy with them so far because they really made us feel like they cared about making our day special. They were the only place that didn't treat us like this was just another wedding; just another day in the biz. Now that the wedding is just three months away, I'm getting a totally different vibe. I know we're not their only customers. I know we're just another wedding, but it still sucks that all of a sudden we're being treated this way.
I priced mead from the NH liquor store because I wanted to have a bottle on each table. It would cost me $12/bottle if I bought it straight. If we get it through the Granite Rose it will cost $39/bottle! They wouldn't even be serving it! It was just going to be on the tables!
I'm anxious to see how much the hot spiced cider will cost.
Well, I guess I shouldn't complain. I mean, I WAS looking for all these special customizations. I guess I should just go with what comes with the package and enjoy the meaning of the day. That's it folks, I have just decided not to get bogged down with details! The important thing is that Jake and I get married in front of our family and friends. The rest is moot. Zen bride take over!
The most upsetting is that now Valerie can't make our cake. We chose a package with the cake included, but were told that if we weren't doing the cake that we could subtitute it with something esle. We're paying the money regardless. Now we're being told that if we bring in an outside cake we still have to pay the money, but get nothing in return! Apparently, it's in the contract. So now I had to crush Valerie and tell her that she can't make my wedding cake. I know it really upset her. I'm upset too! I mean, a cake from her would be so beautiful and so meaningful. Who else would put so much heart into making something like that for us? I know there will be other occasions and other cakes, but this really sucks. :-(
There were other little things as well, but I'm not going to go into details because it's arduous and pointless. Needless to say, I'm crushed and entirely disenheartened by the venue. I was so happy with them so far because they really made us feel like they cared about making our day special. They were the only place that didn't treat us like this was just another wedding; just another day in the biz. Now that the wedding is just three months away, I'm getting a totally different vibe. I know we're not their only customers. I know we're just another wedding, but it still sucks that all of a sudden we're being treated this way.
I priced mead from the NH liquor store because I wanted to have a bottle on each table. It would cost me $12/bottle if I bought it straight. If we get it through the Granite Rose it will cost $39/bottle! They wouldn't even be serving it! It was just going to be on the tables!
I'm anxious to see how much the hot spiced cider will cost.
Well, I guess I shouldn't complain. I mean, I WAS looking for all these special customizations. I guess I should just go with what comes with the package and enjoy the meaning of the day. That's it folks, I have just decided not to get bogged down with details! The important thing is that Jake and I get married in front of our family and friends. The rest is moot. Zen bride take over!
Friday, July 18, 2008
If you're not a Yankee's fan...A first grade teacher explains to her class that she is a Yankees fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they, too, are Yankees fans. Everyone in the class raises their hand expect one little girl. The teacher looks at the girl with surprise and says, "Janie, why didn't you raise your hand?" "Because I'm not a Yankees fan," she replied. The teacher, still shocked, asked, "Well, if you are not a Yankees fan, then who are you a fan of?" "I am a Red Sox fan, and proud of it," Janie replied. The teacher could not believe her ears. "Janie, why pray tell are you a Red Sox fan?"
"Because my mom is a Red Sox fan, and my dad is Red Sox fan, so I'm a Red Sox fan too!"
"Well," said the teacher in a obviously annoyed tone, "That is no reason for you to be a Red Sox fan. You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mom were a moron and your dad were a moron, what would you be then?""Then," Janie smiled, "I'd be a Yankees fan."
"Because my mom is a Red Sox fan, and my dad is Red Sox fan, so I'm a Red Sox fan too!"
"Well," said the teacher in a obviously annoyed tone, "That is no reason for you to be a Red Sox fan. You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mom were a moron and your dad were a moron, what would you be then?""Then," Janie smiled, "I'd be a Yankees fan."
Friday, July 11, 2008
I will not let it shadow my life...
So today is the 27th anniversary of my father's death. 27 years, I can't believe it. It's amazing how something that happened so long ago can still have a stronghold on your life.
However, I have decided not to let it bother me this year. This year I am going to get through the whole day without crying. In fact, it didn't even dawn on me what day it was until I checked my email and saw the anniversary reminder from my mom (yea, way morbid mom). I just sat there looking at it, waiting for the tears to well. And they didn't!
I think that this year it's different because now I have so many positive things to focus on. For instance, Colleen's wedding is tomorrow. That's a huge positive spin on a bad day! And, Judi (Jake's mom) has be birthday today.
Having Jake in my life has also helped me deal with things I never thought I'd be able to deal with. I don't need to focus on so many fears because I know I have someone here to stand by me at all times. I can break free from the grips of harmful relationships because I have a steady support system at home. I can get through life without mourning everyone all of the time because I have someone to focus that energy on.
I am a really, really lucky person to have found him. I truly never thought I would meet the person who would complete my life. I used to cry....often, actually. I'd cry about being lonely, being poor, losing so many people to death... and now, well, I hardly cry at all!
However, I have decided not to let it bother me this year. This year I am going to get through the whole day without crying. In fact, it didn't even dawn on me what day it was until I checked my email and saw the anniversary reminder from my mom (yea, way morbid mom). I just sat there looking at it, waiting for the tears to well. And they didn't!
I think that this year it's different because now I have so many positive things to focus on. For instance, Colleen's wedding is tomorrow. That's a huge positive spin on a bad day! And, Judi (Jake's mom) has be birthday today.
Having Jake in my life has also helped me deal with things I never thought I'd be able to deal with. I don't need to focus on so many fears because I know I have someone here to stand by me at all times. I can break free from the grips of harmful relationships because I have a steady support system at home. I can get through life without mourning everyone all of the time because I have someone to focus that energy on.
I am a really, really lucky person to have found him. I truly never thought I would meet the person who would complete my life. I used to cry....often, actually. I'd cry about being lonely, being poor, losing so many people to death... and now, well, I hardly cry at all!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Cat sitting from Hell!
Have you ever had a day where just every little thing goes wrong, to the point where you just starting laughing so as to not fall into an angry rage? Yea, that was yesterday!
Jake and I went to his parent's house to take care of their cat. Let me start with a time stamp! We left our home around 5:00 yesterday to head over. They live about 5-10 minutes away. We stopped at the Blockbuster and Market Basket across the street from them to get two movies, some candy and drinks.
We get to the house and notice that Sam (the cat) has accidentally shut himself in their bedroom. He does that sometimes if he's playing with something and it goes behind a door. Jake says "shit, I wonder how long he's been in there without a litter box." And yea, our worst thoughts came true, Sam had peed on the bed. It wasn't his fault, truly. He had, however, given the courtesy of tossing the pillows off the bed before peeing in the spot where they normally would go. Lucky that, otherwise we would have some wet pillows to deal with as well.
So, we stripped the bed and started to wash it. We tossed the sheets and the light blanket in the washing machine and turned it on. It was making noise, but no water was filling it up. I quickly figured Jake's dad must have flipped the water switch, which he had. That was an easy fix.
So, we still had the issue of the pee all over the mattress. Luckily, we had some Miracle whatever at home. It's a solution that you pour on pee and it eats it up with enzymes etc. It works wonders! However, we weren't 100% sure how much we had left. So, at 5:55 on July 4, I called PetSmart down the street in hopes that they were open. They sure were! But only until 6:00! Ugh! So, I called Petco in south Nashua and they were open to 8. So, we had to go all the way down to South Nashua to buy the stuff.
We get back and treat the bed, put in the first movie, and order dinner. All goes well for a while, until Jake decides to clean the cat box. He brings it into the living room and takes the lid off. Sam saunters over, climbs in and proceeds to piss and shit in the un-covered cat box, right in front of us! Good times! Of course, now we have a small amount of litter on the floor since cats need to bury and kick up everything.
No sense in trying to clean a litter box with fresh pee in it. You make more of a mess! So, I put the lid on the box and decide to move it into the room it belongs in. I pick up the litter box and start walking. Apparently, the weight of the box was too much for the handle. You should have seen the look on our faces as the lid broke off and half the box spilled onto the oriental rug in the living room! Yea! AWESOME! So now we have a HUGE mess AND a broken little box! Excellent!
I went to get the vacuum as Jake got the broom. It took a while, but we swept and vacuumed up all the litter. Thank GOD the fresh pee didn't land on the rug! At this point, it's around 8, 8:30.
The bedding is still washing, so we put in the next movie. About 1.5 hours into the movie, at the climax, it decides to freeze and pixelate. Yea, awesome. Chuck up another perfect occurrence that night! Also, the comforter took 4 spins in the drier so we didn't end up leaving until after 11:30. Yea, it was a shitty night!
On the way home, I saw big fireworks in the sky. I said "gee that's strange. I though that Holman Stadium's fireworks would have been done by now. I wonder where they're coming from..." About 1 minute later, we drove by a bunch of assholes lighting off fireworks on the street. Big, huge fireworks. One went off as we drove by and the sparks hit the fucking truck! If that firework had just tipped over, it would have taken out the truck! I was SO FUCKING PISSED! I mean what the fuck. Who sets off huge fireworks on a busy public road in Nashua where the houses are all on top of each other? Sometimes I just want to kill people with their stupidity.
We got home. So, exhausted, we went to bed. We laid there for about 10 minutes when we heard that lovely sound of our cat heaving. Melissa decided that would be an excellent time to puke all over the little throw rug next to the bed on Jake's side! Yay! What a way to end a day!
Jake and I went to his parent's house to take care of their cat. Let me start with a time stamp! We left our home around 5:00 yesterday to head over. They live about 5-10 minutes away. We stopped at the Blockbuster and Market Basket across the street from them to get two movies, some candy and drinks.
We get to the house and notice that Sam (the cat) has accidentally shut himself in their bedroom. He does that sometimes if he's playing with something and it goes behind a door. Jake says "shit, I wonder how long he's been in there without a litter box." And yea, our worst thoughts came true, Sam had peed on the bed. It wasn't his fault, truly. He had, however, given the courtesy of tossing the pillows off the bed before peeing in the spot where they normally would go. Lucky that, otherwise we would have some wet pillows to deal with as well.
So, we stripped the bed and started to wash it. We tossed the sheets and the light blanket in the washing machine and turned it on. It was making noise, but no water was filling it up. I quickly figured Jake's dad must have flipped the water switch, which he had. That was an easy fix.
So, we still had the issue of the pee all over the mattress. Luckily, we had some Miracle whatever at home. It's a solution that you pour on pee and it eats it up with enzymes etc. It works wonders! However, we weren't 100% sure how much we had left. So, at 5:55 on July 4, I called PetSmart down the street in hopes that they were open. They sure were! But only until 6:00! Ugh! So, I called Petco in south Nashua and they were open to 8. So, we had to go all the way down to South Nashua to buy the stuff.
We get back and treat the bed, put in the first movie, and order dinner. All goes well for a while, until Jake decides to clean the cat box. He brings it into the living room and takes the lid off. Sam saunters over, climbs in and proceeds to piss and shit in the un-covered cat box, right in front of us! Good times! Of course, now we have a small amount of litter on the floor since cats need to bury and kick up everything.
No sense in trying to clean a litter box with fresh pee in it. You make more of a mess! So, I put the lid on the box and decide to move it into the room it belongs in. I pick up the litter box and start walking. Apparently, the weight of the box was too much for the handle. You should have seen the look on our faces as the lid broke off and half the box spilled onto the oriental rug in the living room! Yea! AWESOME! So now we have a HUGE mess AND a broken little box! Excellent!
I went to get the vacuum as Jake got the broom. It took a while, but we swept and vacuumed up all the litter. Thank GOD the fresh pee didn't land on the rug! At this point, it's around 8, 8:30.
The bedding is still washing, so we put in the next movie. About 1.5 hours into the movie, at the climax, it decides to freeze and pixelate. Yea, awesome. Chuck up another perfect occurrence that night! Also, the comforter took 4 spins in the drier so we didn't end up leaving until after 11:30. Yea, it was a shitty night!
On the way home, I saw big fireworks in the sky. I said "gee that's strange. I though that Holman Stadium's fireworks would have been done by now. I wonder where they're coming from..." About 1 minute later, we drove by a bunch of assholes lighting off fireworks on the street. Big, huge fireworks. One went off as we drove by and the sparks hit the fucking truck! If that firework had just tipped over, it would have taken out the truck! I was SO FUCKING PISSED! I mean what the fuck. Who sets off huge fireworks on a busy public road in Nashua where the houses are all on top of each other? Sometimes I just want to kill people with their stupidity.
We got home. So, exhausted, we went to bed. We laid there for about 10 minutes when we heard that lovely sound of our cat heaving. Melissa decided that would be an excellent time to puke all over the little throw rug next to the bed on Jake's side! Yay! What a way to end a day!
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