Abbey Road

Abbey Road

Monday, April 28, 2008

A Farewell to Doris

So I had another wake to go to last week. It was for Doris, the sales rep I was working with at Winco. She was one of the few people at work that I actually liked and had a personal relationship with. She was young, brass, full-of-life, determined, sweet, caring and giving. We butted heads sometimes at work, but only with work-related issues. We always made sure to see eye-to-eye after a disagreement and move forward.
Doris had turned 39 the week before her death. She had been married just under a year. She was so...happy. She was enamored with her new husband and talked about him all the time. She and I went through her wedding album and talked wedding talk a lot. I remember she got her dress real inexpensively, and she got married at Castleton. They were playing a slideshow of her wedding pictures at the wake... that really got me. I have to say, even after seeing her body, I'm not sure it's 100% set in yet.
I'm getting too used to wakes and funerals. I mean, is it unusual for someone my age to have known so many people who have died? I just sat and tried to count the number of wakes, funerals, memorials or Shiva homes I've been to. I got to 12 and decided to stop counting. Oh geez, lets not even count the pets. I think Doris's death is the first one I've been able to handle "well". I haven't fallen apart. I've cried, but I haven't fallen into convulsions as I usually do. Maybe it's maturation? Maybe it's old hat? I don't know. All I know is I'm fucking sick of death.
Oh, I'm sure you're curious... she fell down the stairs and snapped her neck at the bottom. Her husband found her there....very sad. very, very sad. :-(